Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

Hi everyone!!!
It has cooled down into the 40's here so it made for a cool night. Michelle went to about 12 houses then we came home and handed out our candy. We had about 50 kids or so, which wasn't too bad. I still have candy left over. Which we will eat. I went to the BX and bought Michelle a bag of M&M's to use for potty training. Here she is all dressed up tonight.

I hope everyone has a safe trip back home from Lufkin. I'll be posting to the knitting blog later on this week with sock pictures.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

One of those....

I haven't desided if it's gunna be one of those weeks or one of those months. It seems like there is something going on just about everyday until after Oct 13th. If I'm not at PT then its something else. Pampered Chef is starting to take off and it's starting to be worth my while. On top of getting my business up and going there is now a Pampered Chef Outlet through my website :) Which is nice cause you can get discontinuted products.

Hopefully the second half of October isnt as crazy as the first half :)