Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

Brian and Michelle took me out to dinner last night so we could avoid the crowds. Today we went to the mall and had Dip n' Dot. We also went to Books-a-Million so I could look for a crochet stitch book. Also Happy Mother's day to Mom, Mom, Granny, & Grandma.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


About a year ago one of the girls I grew up with and went to school with sent me an email. In the email she told me she had gotten married and found out that we had Mitchie and where living in Texas. As if the world isn't small enough her brother-in-law also lives in Abilene. NO joke. We have kept in touch over the last year and what not. I sent her a Christmas card and so on.
I emailed her last week to let her know we would be in Ohio next month and to see if we could get together. Unfortunately her and her hubby are going to Africa for 6 weeks to she his family that does missons down there. But there is an upside to this, her brother in law is getting married in August. YEAH!!! So they are coming down here for the wedding. I am hoping we can get our schedules to match up so I can see her and play catch up.