Well we had our first Christmas with Michelle. The opening of presents took us a while and Michelle was way more interested in eating the paper than looking at her toys. Grandma and Tia (Mom & Anne) found this really cute turtle for Michelle. You pull down the turtle's head and it plays music and the inside spins the 3 little balls around inside it. Sally got Brian and Michelle matching TShirts for Christmas. As you can see Michelle's shirt is just a little too big for her.
We woke up today to a white wonderful surpirse. Snow and plenty of it . It started snowing Monday night/ Tuesday morning and snowed all day yesterday and into today. Brian has come home early from work the last 2 days due to the weather. I can't see the street when I look out the window but our sidewalk and front walk have been cleaned and salted. There is prbably 3-4 inches out there. Michelle also got to go outside to day and play in the she snow. She made a baby snow angel.