Saturday, February 11, 2006

It's About Time

Well we got our orders on Wednesday. Now it's time for the fun to begin. I'm all excited about moving and I'm also ready to get it over with. Looks like I'm going to have to get going on the clean out of clutter and decided what is going in what shipment. Along with all of that we have to get the beetle ready for shipment to the states.

Michelle is has learned to "army" crawl, which is SO cute. Now if we can just get to wander more than a few feet at a time that would be great. Her vocabulary is growing and sometimes it sounds like she says Dada and Mama. I think her personal favorite is RahRAhRah. I haven't the slightest clue as to what it means but she sure does use the phrase. Not much else is going on here. More later on the adventure of moving. hehe

1 comment:

Sally said...

Hurrah! Thank goodness for orders! You are so right, the more you can get sorted before you move, the easier it will be to get unpacked when you arrive in Texas and get your stuff. Thanks for the update on Michelle, she must be a real joy and so much fun!!!!! Hugs and kisses!